Today was a good day. I figured that one thing that there is plenty of in Rwanda is time.
I've been working on playing guitar, and I have the calluses on my fingertips to prove it. So much so that the mouse pad thing on my laptop doesn't recognize my finger as a finger.
Today was a little hotter than usual. Most days Butare, located in the southern province of Rwanda, has a nice breeze throughout the day, but not today. Spent half the day under the acacia tree in the back garden with my guitar, attempting to master at least one song on my guitar. The thing is, I get really bored with the songs... so I have to work on about 5 so that I don't get bored. It would explain why I'm not really improving.
Under the acacia tree, life was good. On the grass there were little ants, moving round as busy as ever. I wonder what they do all day.
My dog, the most spastic thing I know, lying in the sun like he had heat stroke.
So, this is another tangent.
There are so many flies in my ouse. Its crazy. And I found out why. There is a huge tree with amazing purple flowers in the front yard. I was standing under it this afternoon and heard like a constant buzzing... turns out its like hundreds of flies swarming around the flowers. I guess some of them find their way into my house... I swear they just buzz around to be annoying.
Another tangent. I swear all of these are somehow related in my mind. My brother has a really high body temperature. He is like,,, a walking talking central heating system. I have also come to find out that he is a mosquito repellant... well... more like a mosquito magnet. So much so that all the mosquitoes go to him. So bad for him. Good for me. As long as my brother is sitting next to me, I don't have to worry so much about being bitten and catching malaria.
Just a few minutes ago I found a mosquito on my brother's leg. (Right now we have to share a queen sized mattress in the living room coz we have guests over.) It was so big that I thought it was a mole... I don't think that the mosquito would have been able to fly with its stomach so full with blood. Anyway. I squashed it... and now I have my brothers blood on my hands.
Lastly. Today my cats seemed super cute to me. Though they, in nature are evil. Mostly because I'm allergic to them. But they are still so cute! More reason why they are evil. They make me wanna cuddle with them with their cuteness while making me sneeze, and itch, and get swollen and teary eyes.

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