家族とsee youをしました。
私も日本に帰ってすぐのころは(今でもそうだけど)、自分の名前のどっかにカタカナが入ってたら良いのに〜って思ってたな〜。 佐々木・クレアー・萌、みたいな。生活してる国で外国人として扱われるストレスはもちろんだけど、「この人は同じ国籍の人だ!」って決められると、それにはその国の人としての常識とか、責任とかがついてくる。
萌が一番嫌いな質問。 "Where are you from?" 「どこからきたんですか?」
The rain of Rwanda first arrives with the scent of dust, as it rises in the air. The cool damp breeze to announce the coming of heaven’s blessings rouse the red soil. The birds twitter and chirp in their frenzy of joy, and it arrives. The dust that tingled our noses has fallen from the air and along with it the sweet scent of the quenched earth rises. All is silent in the roar of the rain. The rumble of the tin roofs, the bowing of the branches.
As suddenly as it came, it disappears. The first call of the perching bird, the thinning of the clouds. Rain is still heard in its pitter patter. The sun brightens as the veil of rain has been lifted from its way.
All is bright and new once more.
It is mid morning and I have been dropped by my parents at a little coffee shop in the middle of Butare. The shop is barely decorated. An almost rusty hulk of a coffee roaster stands grandly, taking up the whole left side of the square room.
The walls on either side of the shop are painted a grass green. The uneven walls are frosted with brown cinnamon dust. The sky blue floor has bits and pieces pealing off, which reveals the grey cement underneath. The ceiling is a mustard yellow. The walls are simply decorated with three African masks here, a map of Rwanda there, and a framed poster named “The Coffee Taster’s Flavor Wheel”. It describes the various coffee adjectives used to depict the flavors and aromas of coffee. Dirt, Roasted, Earthy...
In the middle of it all, there is a little counter. With a little barista. With a little, but twinkling smile.
The frankness and emptiness is filled with the rich, deep aroma of roasted coffee beans, refreshed every time the coffee beans are ground.
The entrance side of the shop is where the sofas are placed. Three sofas: two one seater, one three seater. There are water buffalos and Masai and elephants printed on it. In fact, I seem to be sitting on top of two Maasai with their long sticks. Glad they are merely a print... I’m sure sitting on Maasai is less then comfortable, especially with their spears. The sofas all surround a low table covered with a leopard print cloth. This would all look like a frenzy of pattern and color if it were not for the over all coffee brown of the place.
On the low table is a big note book. A hard cover. Worn out. It’s the same as the ones I used to use in junior high. The edges are red, from all the fingers covered with the red soil that must have flicked through the pages. Inside are happy words from people all over the world. “Hello from Australia” - Caleb, “Classic Coffee!” - TAC,Nigeria, “Keep up the sweet beans!” - Santa Cruz. “ありがとう, murakoze cyane.” - Yasu.
As the day progresses the street a few steps below starts to come alive. The smooth groan of the car engines are joined with the chuckle chuckle of the pikis, all in time with the blaring radio from the store next door.
5 to 11, I notice only now that the Quran, sung over crackling speakers a hill or two away has stopped. I’ve already consumed 3 cups of rich coffee. My head is buzzing. The colors of the shop seem a little brighter. Maybe I should go out for lunch.
I like this place. This little store, with no excess decorations, no fancy caffe latte designs, and no wifi. It’s a coffee shop made for the coffee it sells.
So I figured its sometimes good to just write about nothing.
Today was a good day. I figured that one thing that there is plenty of in Rwanda is time.
I've been working on playing guitar, and I have the calluses on my fingertips to prove it. So much so that the mouse pad thing on my laptop doesn't recognize my finger as a finger.
Today was a little hotter than usual. Most days Butare, located in the southern province of Rwanda, has a nice breeze throughout the day, but not today. Spent half the day under the acacia tree in the back garden with my guitar, attempting to master at least one song on my guitar. The thing is, I get really bored with the songs... so I have to work on about 5 so that I don't get bored. It would explain why I'm not really improving.
Under the acacia tree, life was good. On the grass there were little ants, moving round as busy as ever. I wonder what they do all day.
My dog, the most spastic thing I know, lying in the sun like he had heat stroke.
So, this is another tangent.
There are so many flies in my ouse. Its crazy. And I found out why. There is a huge tree with amazing purple flowers in the front yard. I was standing under it this afternoon and heard like a constant buzzing... turns out its like hundreds of flies swarming around the flowers. I guess some of them find their way into my house... I swear they just buzz around to be annoying.
Another tangent. I swear all of these are somehow related in my mind. My brother has a really high body temperature. He is like,,, a walking talking central heating system. I have also come to find out that he is a mosquito repellant... well... more like a mosquito magnet. So much so that all the mosquitoes go to him. So bad for him. Good for me. As long as my brother is sitting next to me, I don't have to worry so much about being bitten and catching malaria.
Just a few minutes ago I found a mosquito on my brother's leg. (Right now we have to share a queen sized mattress in the living room coz we have guests over.) It was so big that I thought it was a mole... I don't think that the mosquito would have been able to fly with its stomach so full with blood. Anyway. I squashed it... and now I have my brothers blood on my hands.
Lastly. Today my cats seemed super cute to me. Though they, in nature are evil. Mostly because I'm allergic to them. But they are still so cute! More reason why they are evil. They make me wanna cuddle with them with their cuteness while making me sneeze, and itch, and get swollen and teary eyes.

Today was a good day. I figured that one thing that there is plenty of in Rwanda is time.
I've been working on playing guitar, and I have the calluses on my fingertips to prove it. So much so that the mouse pad thing on my laptop doesn't recognize my finger as a finger.
Today was a little hotter than usual. Most days Butare, located in the southern province of Rwanda, has a nice breeze throughout the day, but not today. Spent half the day under the acacia tree in the back garden with my guitar, attempting to master at least one song on my guitar. The thing is, I get really bored with the songs... so I have to work on about 5 so that I don't get bored. It would explain why I'm not really improving.
Under the acacia tree, life was good. On the grass there were little ants, moving round as busy as ever. I wonder what they do all day.
My dog, the most spastic thing I know, lying in the sun like he had heat stroke.
So, this is another tangent.
There are so many flies in my ouse. Its crazy. And I found out why. There is a huge tree with amazing purple flowers in the front yard. I was standing under it this afternoon and heard like a constant buzzing... turns out its like hundreds of flies swarming around the flowers. I guess some of them find their way into my house... I swear they just buzz around to be annoying.
Another tangent. I swear all of these are somehow related in my mind. My brother has a really high body temperature. He is like,,, a walking talking central heating system. I have also come to find out that he is a mosquito repellant... well... more like a mosquito magnet. So much so that all the mosquitoes go to him. So bad for him. Good for me. As long as my brother is sitting next to me, I don't have to worry so much about being bitten and catching malaria.
Just a few minutes ago I found a mosquito on my brother's leg. (Right now we have to share a queen sized mattress in the living room coz we have guests over.) It was so big that I thought it was a mole... I don't think that the mosquito would have been able to fly with its stomach so full with blood. Anyway. I squashed it... and now I have my brothers blood on my hands.
Lastly. Today my cats seemed super cute to me. Though they, in nature are evil. Mostly because I'm allergic to them. But they are still so cute! More reason why they are evil. They make me wanna cuddle with them with their cuteness while making me sneeze, and itch, and get swollen and teary eyes.

Not that there isn't more to come.
Not that there hasn't been better.
Not that there hasn't been worse.
何回萌は「またね」って言ってきたかな。 次いつ会えるかも知らない人に。
"See you"
There will be tomorrow.
You, and tomorrow.
Good Bye
is the only word
that allows me to say all I need.
to you.
5 years.
5 years I've spent apart with my family. 5 years I haven't been with my little brothers. 5years is a really long time. 5 years, I haven't been able to see my little brothers grow into men.
My brother is going to be baptized on Sunday.
I have no clue what his testimony is.
So much can happen in 5 years.
My brother is going to be baptized on Sunday.
I have no clue what his testimony is.
So much can happen in 5 years.
投稿 (Atom)